Sunday, September 26, 2010

Living with less....

We are one of those "larger" families.  We live on a budget and shop with coupons!  We simplify all parts of our lives.  We are not driven by popularity but, self motivation.  We are very scheduled but, relaxed.  We don't expect perfection but, take things as they arise.  We are happiest when we stay to ourselves and don't have to meet others expectations.  We look within for acceptance and ignore the outside. We are not selfish but, loving and giving.  We are good listeners and assertive when we speak. We are never up-to-date with the latest fashions and gadgets but, we get the most attention.   We try our best not to judge and avoid gossip at all costs.  We refrain from outside situations that could cause drama since, we are big enough to have our own. We LOVE with all our hearts and we do our best to follow God. We ARE that family!

We thank God every day for giving us what we need, not what we think we need.  We are so blessed to be enjoying the many fruits of the spirit and the gift of our FAMILY!


  1. I found you! :) As the only other Catholic homeschooling family I know, I'm glad you're still out there somewhere. Still trying to find a good, conservative local church, and maybe even those kids' groups you mentioned to me, but with no luck. We're signing up the boys with Seton in October. How are the workboxes going for you? Keep in touch! Marilyn

  2. Regardless of what comes your way you will succeed and God is in control! God Bless you all! <3

  3. Hey mom! Great post, I sure hope to read more soon,...right? lol. Miss you, come over again soon, better yet move a tad closer, just a tad.
